Planning Application WSCC/046/23

New Search — The consultation period for this application has now closed

  • Application Number
  • Status
    Application Refused
  • Location
    Wood barn Farm, Adversane Lane, Broadford Bridge, Billingshurst, West Sussex
  • Proposal
    The siting and development of a temporary borehole, well site compound and access road including all ancillary infrastructure and equipment (variation of condition 1 of planning permission WSCC/002/22 extending the permission by 24 months to enable the completion of phase 4 site retention and restoration)
  • Date Valid
  • Deadline for Comments
  • Determination Date
  • Decision Date
  • Decision
  • Applicant's Name
    UKOG (234) LTD
  • Agent's Name
    Zetland Group Limited
  • Committee Date
  • District
  • Parish
  • County Councillor
    Charlotte Kenyon, Pulborough
  • Case Officer
    James Neave

No map available for this application

Map Terms and Conditions

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Third party rights to enforce the terms of this licence shall be reserved to Ordnance Survey

To view individual documents click on the file name for the required row and the document will open. To download a selection of individual documents, place a tick alongside each of the ones you wish to view and then click on the 'Download Selected' button. To open the sub-tables, click the sub-heading for the group.

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Application Documents
Site Location Plan - 26059 P1 - KOGL-BB-PA-XX-13 REV 2 241023.pdf (0 kb) Site Location Plan REV 2 18/12/2023
Site Location Plan - KOGL-BB-PA-XX-01 REV 3 241023.pdf (0 kb) Site Location Plan REV 3 18/12/2023
Planning Statement.pdf (0 kb) Planning Statement 18/12/2023
Existing Parking Layout Plan - KOGL-BB-PA-XX-08 REV 3 241023.pdf (0 kb) Existing Parking Layout Plan 18/12/2023
Existing Site Entrance - KOGL-BB-PA-XX-03 REV 3 211023.pdf (0 kb) Existing Site Entrance 18/12/2023
Existing Site Entrance - KOGL-BB-PA-XX-05 REV 3 241023.pdf (0 kb) Existing Site Entrance 18/12/2023
Planning Statement.pdf (0 kb) Planning Statement 18/12/2023
Cellar Details - KOGL-BB-PA-XX-12 REV 3 241023.pdf (0 kb) Cellar Details 18/12/2023
Existing Access Track 2 - KOGL-BB-PA-XX-04 REV 3 241023.pdf (0 kb) Existing Access Track 2 18/12/2023
Tree Protection Plans (Sheets 1-3)_opt - KOGL-BB-DOC-XX-01.pdf (0 kb) Tree Protection Plans 18/12/2023
Well Site Restoration Layout - KOGL-BB-PA-XX-09 REV 3 241023.pdf (0 kb) Well Site Restoration Layout 18/12/2023
Well Site Retention Mode Layout - KOGL-BB-PA-XX-06 REV 3 241023.pdf (0 kb) Well Site Retention Mode Layout 18/12/2023
Well Site Retention Mode Section - KOGL-BB-PA-XX-07 REV 3 241023.pdf (0 kb) Well Site Retention Mode Section 18/12/2023
Access Works Methodology - KOGL-BB-DOC-XX-03.pdf (0 kb) Access Works Methodology 18/12/2023
Landscape Proposals - KOGL-BB-DOC-XX-05.pdf (0 kb) Landscape Proposals 18/12/2023
Noise Management Plan - KOGL-BB-DOC-XX-06.pdf (0 kb) Noise Management Plan 18/12/2023
Site Ditch Construction Details - KOGL-BB-PA-XX-11 REV 3 241023.pdf (0 kb) Site Ditch Construction Details 18/12/2023
Surface Water Distribution at Site Entrance - KOGL-BB-PA-XX-10 REV 3 241023.pdf (0 kb) Surface Water Distribution At Site Entrance 18/12/2023
Traffic Management Plan - KOGL-BB-DOC-XX-04.pdf (0 kb) Traffic Management Plan 18/12/2023
Tree Protection Methodology - KOGL-BB-DOC-XX-02.pdf (0 kb) Tree Protection Methodology 18/12/2023
Additional Information.pdf (0 kb) Additional Information 06/02/2024
Agent Clarifications 13 02 24.pdf (0 kb) Additional Information 16/02/2024
Agent Clarifications 28 02 24.pdf (0 kb) Additional Information 04/03/2024
Consultation Response
Health & Safety Excecutive.pdf (0 kb) Consultation Response 18/12/2023
Environment Agency.pdf (0 kb) Consultation Response 03/01/2024
Naturespace – Newt Officer.pdf (0 kb) Consultation Response 04/01/2024
LLFA.pdf (0 kb) Consultation Response 08/01/2024
WSCC Arboriculture.pdf (0 kb) Consultation Response 09/01/2024
Horsham DC.pdf (0 kb) Consultation Response 18/01/2024
WSCC Highways.pdf (0 kb) Consultation Response 22/01/2024
WSCC Ecology.pdf (0 kb) Consultation Response 30/01/2024
West Chiltington Parish Council.pdf (0 kb) Consultation Response 26/02/2024
County Cllr Charlotte Kenyon.pdf (0 kb) Consultation Response 11/03/2024
Decisions and Reports
Planning and Rights of Way Committee Report.pdf (0 kb) Planning And Rights Of Way Committee Report 11/03/2024
Decision Notice Refusal WSCC-46-23.pdf (0 kb) Decision Notice 22/03/2024
Printed committee minutes.pdf (0 kb) Printed Committee Minutes 05/06/2024
Other Correspondence
Water Neutrality HRA Screening 16 01 24.pdf (0 kb) Water Neutrality HRA Screening 16/01/2024
Public Comments
Nick McCormick Objection 22-12-2023.pdf (0 kb) Objection Nick McCormick 22/12/2023 22/12/2023
Paula Cooper Objection 04-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Paula Cooper 04/01/2024 04/01/2024
Geoff Barnard (on behalf of Greening Steyning) Objection 04-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Geoff Barnard (on behalf of Greening Steyning) 04/01/2024 04/01/2024
Nicholas Alderton Objection 05-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Nicholas Alderton 05/01/2024 05/01/2024
Derek Stewart Smith Objection 06-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Derek Stewart Smith 06/01/2024 06/01/2024
Ms Una-Jane Winfield Objection 06-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Ms Una-Jane Winfield 06/01/2024 06/01/2024
Philip Maber Objection 07-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Philip Maber 07/01/2024 07/01/2024
Philip Maber Objection 07-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Philip Maber 07/01/2024 07/01/2024
Vicci Johnson Objection 08-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Vicci Johnson 08/01/2024 08/01/2024
NICOLA PEEL Objection 08-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection NICOLA PEEL 08/01/2024 08/01/2024
ANNA HUME Objection 09-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection ANNA HUME 09/01/2024 09/01/2024
Caroline Berkeley Objection 09-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Caroline Berkeley 09/01/2024 09/01/2024
H M Penfold Objection 09-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection H M Penfold 09/01/2024 09/01/2024
Mrs A C Hamilton Objection 09-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Mrs A C Hamilton 09/01/2024 09/01/2024
Richard Wates Objection 10-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Richard Wates 10/01/2024 10/01/2024
John Hamilton Objection 10-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection John Hamilton 10/01/2024 10/01/2024
Jane Mote Objection 11-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Jane Mote 11/01/2024 11/01/2024
Jeremy Lindsey Objection 11-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Jeremy Lindsey 11/01/2024 11/01/2024
Martin Yallop Objection 12-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Martin Yallop 12/01/2024 12/01/2024
Lynne Waylen Objection 13-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Lynne Waylen 13/01/2024 13/01/2024
Reed Paget Objection 09-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Reed Paget Objection 09 01 2024 15/01/2024
David Carpenter Objection 16-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) David Carpenter Objection 16 01 2024 16/01/2024
Mark Howarth Objection 16-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Mark Howarth 16/01/2024 16/01/2024
Jennifer Thomson Objection 18-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Jennifer Thomson 18/01/2024 18/01/2024
Paul Steedman on behalf of CPRE Sussex Objection 20-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Paul Steedman on behalf of CPRE Sussex 20/01/2024 20/01/2024
Kim Katherine Hope Objection 21-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Kim Katherine Hope 21/01/2024 21/01/2024
Chris Masella Objection 21-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Chris Masella 21/01/2024 21/01/2024
Lisa Scott Objection 21-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Lisa Scott 21/01/2024 21/01/2024
Nikki Sanger Objection 21-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Nikki Sanger 21/01/2024 21/01/2024
Jerry Hamilton Objection 21-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Jerry Hamilton 21/01/2024 21/01/2024
Henderson Objection 21-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Henderson 21/01/2024 21/01/2024
Susan Ball Objection 21-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Susan Ball 21/01/2024 21/01/2024
Brenda Evans Objection 21-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Brenda Evans 21/01/2024 21/01/2024
Ms Una-Jane Winfield Objection 21-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Ms Una-Jane Winfield 21/01/2024 21/01/2024
Susan chapman Objection 21-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Susan chapman 21/01/2024 21/01/2024
C. K. Cunningham Objection 22-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection C. K. Cunningham 22/01/2024 22/01/2024
Karen Ireland Objection 22-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Karen Ireland 22/01/2024 22/01/2024
Me McClements Objection 22-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Me McClements 22/01/2024 22/01/2024
S.Kinnear objection 21-01-24.pdf (0 kb) Objection S.kinnear 21/01/24 22/01/2024
MS EMMA WILSON-TROY Objection 22-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection MS EMMA WILSON-TROY 22/01/2024 22/01/2024
Dr Fay Tuffen Objection 22-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Dr Fay Tuffen 22/01/2024 22/01/2024
Adrian Watkins Support 22-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Support Adrian Watkins 22/01/2024 22/01/2024
Mrs Sylvia May MBE Objection 22-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Mrs Sylvia May 22/01/2024 22/01/2024
Graham Ewens Objection 22-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Graham Ewens 22/01/2024 22/01/2024
Annabel Pilott Objection 22-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Annabel Pilott 22/01/2024 22/01/2024
MR DENNIS MAY Objection 22-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection MR DENNIS MAY 22/01/2024 22/01/2024
Laurence Tondelier Objection 22-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Laurence Tondelier 22/01/2024 22/01/2024
Chris Crook Objection 22-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Chris Crook 22/01/2024 22/01/2024
beccy mccray Objection 22-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection beccy mccray 22/01/2024 22/01/2024
Polly Charlton Objection 22-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Polly Charlton 22/01/2024 22/01/2024
Stacey Cohen Objection 22-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Stacey Cohen 22/01/2024 22/01/2024
Benjamin William Dawson Objection 22-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Benjamin William Dawson 22/01/2024 22/01/2024
Mandy Harvey Objection 23-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Mandy Harvey 23/01/2024 23/01/2024
Ginny Barrett Objection 23-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Ginny Barrett Objection 23 01 2024 23/01/2024
Michael Harbour Objection 23-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Michael Harbour 23/01/2024 23/01/2024
J Idle Objection 23-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection J Idle 23/01/2024 23/01/2024
Mel Objection 23-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Mel 23/01/2024 23/01/2024
Karen Varisco Objection 23-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Karen Varisco 23/01/2024 23/01/2024
Michael Rankin Objection 23-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Michael Rankin 23/01/2024 23/01/2024
Martin Jarvis Objection 23-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Martin Jarvis 23/01/2024 23/01/2024
Antonia Bovid Objection 23-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Antonia Bovid 23/01/2024 23/01/2024
Nicola Reid Objection 23-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Nicola Reid 23/01/2024 23/01/2024
Sam Peters Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Sam Peters 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Pat Smith Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Pat Smith 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Kerry Owen Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Kerry Owen 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Ian Henshall Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Ian Henshall 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
CASSANDRA MORLEY Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection CASSANDRA MORLEY 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
HelenJackson Brown Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection HelenJackson Brown 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Ann Stewart Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Ann Stewart 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Emily Mott Objection 23-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Emily Mott 23/01/2024 24/01/2024
KKWG objection at BB 5th extension.pdf (0 kb) Objection Kkwg 23/01/2024 24/01/2024
Tim Andrews Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Tim Andrews 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Karl Richard Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Karl Richard 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Sue Taylor Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Sue Taylor 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
alan flint Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection alan flint 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Alice Owen Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Alice Owen 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Laura Hampson Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Laura Hampson 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Leanne Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Leanne 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Mr.J.Shippam Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Mr.J.Shippam 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Vincent Edmunds Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Vincent Edmunds 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Tracy Greenwood Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Tracy Greenwood 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Theresa Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Theresa 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Sarah Nunn Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Sarah Nunn 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Catherine Harrington Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Catherine Harrington 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Dorit Schnieber Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Dorit Schnieber 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Daniel Westlake Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Daniel Westlake 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
David Hatcher Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection David Hatcher 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
kate kelso-cross Objection 24-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection kate kelso-cross 24/01/2024 24/01/2024
Mary Foster Objection 24-01-24.pdf (0 kb) Objection Mary Foster 24 01 24 25/01/2024
Lorraine Inglis Objection 25-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Lorraine Inglis 25/01/2024 25/01/2024
Ann Stewart Objection 24-01-2024 (1).pdf (0 kb) Objection WSCC/046/23 25/01/2024
Ann Stewart Objection 25-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Ann Stewart 25/01/2024 25/01/2024
Deborah Richards Objection 25-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Deborah Richards 25/01/2024 25/01/2024
Cicely Chadwick Objection 25-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Cicely Chadwick 25/01/2024 25/01/2024
Emily Anderson Objection 25-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Emily Anderson 25/01/2024 25/01/2024
Stuart Gregory Objection 25-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Stuart Gregory 25/01/2024 25/01/2024
Michaela Smith Objection 25-01-24.pdf (0 kb) Objection Michaela Smith 25 01 24 25/01/2024
Bev Fullwood Objection 25-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Bev Fullwood 25/01/2024 25/01/2024
KKWG BB OBJECTION APPENDIX 25-01-24.pdf (0 kb) Objection Kkwg Bb Appendix 25 01 24 25/01/2024
Mela Agnes Jane Davidson Objection 25-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Mela Agnes Jane Davidson 25/01/2024 25/01/2024
Sally Objection 25-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Sally 25/01/2024 25/01/2024
Sarah Sharp Objection 25-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Sarah Sharp 25/01/2024 25/01/2024
Will Light Objection 26-01-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Will Light 26/01/2024 26/01/2024
W Morrish Objection 02-02-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection W Morrish 02/02/2024 02/02/2024
Simon Birnstingl Objection 11-02-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Simon Birnstingl 11/02/2024 11/02/2024
Paul Osborne Objection 20-02-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Paul Osborne 20/02/2024 20/02/2024
Kathy Smyth, Director, Protect Dunsfold Ltd Objection 15-03-2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection Kathy Smyth, Director, Protect Dunsfold Ltd 15/03/2024 18/03/2024