Planning Application WSCC/043/23

New Search — The consultation period for this application has now closed

  • Application Number
  • Status
    Application Approved
  • Location
    Worthing Household Waste Recycling Site Willowbrook Road, Worthing, BN14 8NA
  • Proposal
    Application for the erection of two container units, to be used as a re-use shop and storage, along with the provision of associated car parking bays and minor site layout amendments.
  • Date Valid
  • Deadline for Comments
  • Determination Date
  • Decision Date
  • Decision
    Granted with Conditions
  • Applicant's Name
    Biffa Waste Services Limited
  • Agent's Name
    Biffa Waste Services Limited
  • District
  • Parish
  • County Councillor
    • Dawn Smith, Broadwater
    • Caroline Baxter, Worthing East
  • Case Officer
    Edward Anderson

No map available for this application

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Admin Documents
ApplicationForm.pdf (631 kb) Application Form 04/12/2023
SITE NOTICE_WSCC-043-23.doc (55 kb) Site Notice 18/12/2023
Application Documents
Worthing Re-use Shop - Planning Statement Revised Feb 24.pdf (421 kb) Planning Statement 22/02/2024
Approved Documents
Site Location Plan.pdf (409 kb) Location Plan 04/12/2023
Existing Layout Plan - WWB030200.pdf (327 kb) Site Plan Existing 04/12/2023
Proposed Shop Elevations - WWB030400.pdf (236 kb) Elevations Proposed 04/12/2023
Proposed Storage Container Elevations - WWB030500.pdf (197 kb) Elevations Proposed 04/12/2023
Proposed Layout Plan - WWB030300.pdf (358 kb) Layout Plans 22/02/2024
Consultation Response
South Downs National Park.pdf (126 kb) Consultation Response 06/12/2023
WSCC Ecology.pdf (87 kb) Consultation Response 14/12/2023
Environment Agency.pdf (103 kb) Consultation Response 18/12/2023
NatureSpace.pdf (205 kb) Consultation Response 20/12/2023
Cllr Dawn Smith.pdf (122 kb) Consultation Response 03/01/2024
WSCC Highways_.pdf (112 kb) Consultation Response 03/01/2024
WSCC Highways 2.pdf (37 kb) Consultation Response 27/02/2024
Decisions and Reports
DECISION NOTICE_WSCC-043-23.pdf (135 kb) Decision Notice 14/03/2024
WSCC 043 23 Case Officer's Report (Delegated Decision).pdf (280 kb) Case Officer's Report of Recommended Action 14/03/2024
Other Correspondence
Extension of Time 15-03-24.pdf (218 kb) Extension Of Time 23/02/2024
Worthing Re-use Shop - Planning Statement Oct 23.pdf (436 kb) Planning Statement 04/12/2023
Proposed Layout Plan - WWB030300.pdf (358 kb) Site Plan Proposed 04/12/2023