Planning Application WSCC/042/23

New Search — The consultation period for this application has now closed

  • Application Number
  • Status
    Application Approved
  • Location
    Land to the west of Mannings Heath Wastewater Treatment Works, Gaggle Wood, Mannings Heath, Horsham
  • Proposal
    Construction and operation of a sewer network pipe-bridge and retrospective planning permission for the temporary widening and use of a vehicle access onto the A281 Brighton Road
  • Date Valid
  • Deadline for Comments
  • Determination Date
  • Decision Date
  • Decision
    Granted with Conditions
  • Applicant's Name
    Southern Water
  • Agent's Name
  • District
  • Parish
  • County Councillor
    Nigel Jupp, Southwater & Nuthurst
  • Case Officer
    James Neave

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Application Documents
ApplicationForm redacted.pdf (1019 kb) Application Form 24/11/2023
751162-NGX-XX-XX-DR-Z-70004 BRIDGE ARB SURVEY.pdf (389 kb) Bridge Arb Survey 24/11/2023
751162-NGX-XX-XX-DR-Z-70005 PIPE BRIDGE PLAN.pdf (373 kb) Pipe Bridge Plan 24/11/2023
220513-eval-2023101-V1.pdf (5166 kb) Archaeological Evaluation Report 24/11/2023
220513-wsi-v1_20230303.pdf (7059 kb) Archaeological Evaluation WSI 24/11/2023
2022208-DBA-220267-V1.pdf (10051 kb) Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment 24/11/2023
Planning Design and Access Statement v2.pdf (240 kb) Planning Design And Access Statement 24/11/2023
Arboricultural Impact Assessment.pdf (5239 kb) Arboricultural Impact Assessment 24/11/2023
Arboricultural Method Statement.pdf (7862 kb) Arboricultural Method Statement 24/11/2023
Ecological Impact Assessment Rev1 01.11.23.pdf (2352 kb) Ecological Impact Assessment 24/11/2023
Landscape and visual technical note.pdf (717 kb) Landscape And Visual Technical Note 24/11/2023
Mannings Heath Pump Away -Technical Note on Alternatives 20231123.pdf (126 kb) Pump Away Technical Note 24/11/2023
157754-FRH-XX-XX-DR-C-8003 LOW LOADER VEHICLE TRACKING PLAN_.pdf (569 kb) Low Loader Vehicle Tracking Plan 02/02/2024
157754-FRH-XX-XX-DR-C-8002 ARTICULATED VEHICLE TRACKING PLAN_.pdf (575 kb) Articulated Vehicle Tracking Plan 02/02/2024
Approved Documents
157754-FRH-XX-XX-DR-C-8004 EXISTING AND TEMPORARY ACCESS update.pdf (1241 kb) Existing And Temporary Access 24/11/2023
157754-FRH-XX-XX-DR-C-8000 SITE LOCATION PLAN updated.pdf (322 kb) Site Location Plan 24/11/2023
751162-NGX-XX-XX-DR-Z-70006 PIPE BRIDGE ELEVATION.pdf (349 kb) Pipe Bridge Elevation Plan 24/11/2023
751162-NGX-XX-XX-DR-Z-70001-P02 SITE LAYOUT PLAN updated.pdf (282 kb) Site Location Plan 24/11/2023
751162-NGX-XX-XX-DR-Z-70002-P02 PIPE BRIDGE LAYOUT.pdf (475 kb) Pipe Bridge Location Plan 24/11/2023
751162-NGX-XX-XX-DR-Z-70003 BRIDGE LAYOUT PLAN.pdf (771 kb) Pipe Bridge Layout Plan 24/11/2023
ManningsHeath WTW_CEMP_Rev 1.pdf (1021 kb) Construction Environmental Management Plan 24/11/2023
CTMP - 751162 Manning Heath REV003.pdf.pdf (6489 kb) Construction Traffic Management Plan 02/02/2024
157754-FRH-XX-XX-DR-C-8001 COMPOUND ACCESS 14 03 24.pdf (1864 kb) Compound Access 15/03/2024
DEPARTURES FROM STANDARDS - LHA approved.pdf (130 kb) Departures From Standards 25/03/2024
Consultation Response
Naturespace Newt Officer.pdf (126 kb) Consultation Response 30/11/2023
WSCC Highways.pdf (45 kb) Consultation Response 15/12/2023
Forestry Commission.pdf (241 kb) Consultation Response 18/12/2023
Natural England.pdf (109 kb) Consultation Response 05/01/2024
WSCC Ecology.pdf (65 kb) Consultation Response 08/01/2024
WSCC ARBORICULTURE.pdf (526 kb) Consultation Response 08/01/2024
Environment Agency.pdf (93 kb) Consultation Response 18/01/2024
WSCC Highways 2.pdf (39 kb) Consultation Response 16/02/2024
WSCC Highways 3.pdf (41 kb) Consultation Response 11/03/2024
WSCC Highways 4.pdf (95 kb) Consultation Response 25/03/2024
Decisions and Reports
WSCC 042 23 Case Officer's Report.pdf (299 kb) Case Officer's Report of Recommended Action 26/03/2024
DECISION NOTICE_WSCC-042-23.pdf (199 kb) Decision Notice 26/03/2024
Other Correspondence
Water Neutrality HRA Screening 12 01 24.pdf (217 kb) Water Neutrality HRA screening 12/01/2024
Mannings Heath WTW Pipeline - Screening Opinion N23a.pdf (289 kb) EIA Screening Opinion 12/01/2024
Extension of Time 15-03-24.pdf (95 kb) Extension Of Time 22/02/2024
Extension of Time 28-03-24.pdf (57 kb) Extension Of Time 18/03/2024
157754-FRH-XX-XX-DR-C-8002 ARTICULATED VEHICLE TRACKING PLAN.pdf (385 kb) Articulated Vehicle Tracking Plan 24/11/2023
157754-FRH-XX-XX-DR-C-8003 LOW LOADER VEHICLE TRACKING PLAN update.pdf (378 kb) Low Loader Vehicle Tracking Plan 24/11/2023
157754-FRH-XX-XX-DR-C-8001 COMPOUND ACCESS updated.pdf (351 kb) Compound Access 24/11/2023
CTMP - 751162 Manning Heath REV002.pdf (1692 kb) Construction Traffic Management Plan 24/11/2023
157754-FRH-XX-XX-DR-C-8001 COMPOUND ACCESS_.pdf (328 kb) Compound Access 02/02/2024
DEPARTURES FROM STANDARDS - MANNINGS HEATH 20240223.pdf (116 kb) Departures From Standards 04/03/2024
157754-FRH-XX-XX-DR-C-8001 COMPOUND ACCESS.pdf (1853 kb) Compound Access 04/03/2024
DEPARTURES FROM STANDARDS.pdf (263 kb) Departures From Standards 14/03/2024
157754-FRH-XX-XX-DR-C-8001 COMPOUND ACCESS PLAN-P12.pdf (1862 kb) Compound Access Plan 14/03/2024