Planning Application WSCC/041/19

New Search — The consultation period for this application has now closed

  • Application Number
  • Status
    Application Withdrawn
  • Location
    Kilmarnock Farm, Charlwood Road, Ifield, RH11 0JY
  • Proposal
    Proposed Concrete Crushing and Soil Recycling Facility
  • Date Valid
  • Deadline for Comments
  • Determination Date
  • Decision Date
  • Decision
  • Applicant's Name
    P J Brown (Construction) Ltd
  • Agent's Name
    WS Planning & Architecture
  • District
  • Parish
  • County Councillor
    Katie Nagel, St. Leonard's Forest
  • Case Officer
    James Neave

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Application Documents
Application Form.pdf (390 kb) Application Form 05/09/2019
Screening Opinion - Kilmarnock Farm - RS 19a FINAL.pdf (87 kb) Screening Opinion 15/08/2019
00 Drawings and Documents List (Submission).pdf (138 kb) Drawings And Documents List 24/05/2019
01 Site Location Plan.pdf (65 kb) Site Location Plan 24/05/2019
02 Existing Usage plan.pdf (72 kb) Plan 24/05/2019
03 Existing Site Plan.pdf (48 kb) Existing Site Plan 24/05/2019
04 Buildings To Be Removed.pdf (49 kb) Plan 24/05/2019
05 Proposed Landscape Overlay.pdf (337 kb) Plan 24/05/2019
06 Proposed Elevation.pdf (1415 kb) Elevations 24/05/2019
07 Farm Top View.pdf (1189 kb) Plan 24/05/2019
08 Perspective View.pdf (568 kb) Perspective View 24/05/2019
09 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment.pdf (4458 kb) Supporting Document 24/05/2019
10 Landscape Proposals.pdf (2565 kb) Plan 24/05/2019
11 Planning Statement.pdf (272 kb) Planning Statement 24/05/2019
12 Revised Transport Statement.pdf (3950 kb) Supporting Document 24/05/2019
13 Proposed Access and Visibility Requirements.pdf (1221 kb) Plan 24/05/2019
14 Swept Path Analysis - rigid truck.pdf (171 kb) Plan 24/05/2019
15 Charlwood Road, Rusper.pdf (35 kb) Plan 24/05/2019
16 Visibility drawings.pdf (667 kb) Plan 24/05/2019
17 Proposed Access - Stage 1 Road Safety Audit.pdf (2535 kb) Supporting Document 24/05/2019
18 Drainage Strategy Report.pdf (5940 kb) Supporting Document 24/05/2019
19 Air Quality Assessment.pdf (1004 kb) Supporting Document 24/05/2019
20 Revised Noise Report.pdf (1661 kb) Supporting Document 24/05/2019
21 Arboricultural Method Statement.pdf (568 kb) Supporting Document 24/05/2019
22 Outline Topographical Survey.pdf (691 kb) Topographic Survey 24/05/2019
23 Topographical Survey Sheet 1 of 3.pdf (542 kb) Topographic Survey 24/05/2019
24 Topographical Survey Shee 2 of 3.pdf (405 kb) Topographic Survey 24/05/2019
25 Topographical Survey Sheet 3 of 3.pdf (300 kb) Topographic Survey 24/05/2019
26 Topographical Overlay.pdf (133 kb) Topographic Survey 24/05/2019
27 Planning, Design and Access Statement.pdf (1813 kb) Design and Access Statement 24/05/2019
28 Wheel Washer And Crusher Details.pdf (405 kb) Supporting Document 24/05/2019
Consultation Response
WSCC Archaeology response.pdf (118 kb) Consultation Response 05/06/2019
WSCC Highways response.pdf (39 kb) Consultation Response 12/06/2019
WSCC Tree officer.pdf (36 kb) Consultation Response 14/06/2019
WSCC Drainage.pdf (98 kb) Consultation Response 14/06/2019
Gatwick Safegaurding.pdf (106 kb) Consultation Response 19/06/2019
Rusper Parish Council.htm (3 kb) Consultation Response 05/09/2019
Crawley Borough Council response.pdf (309 kb) Consultee response 04/07/2019
Gatwick Planning response.pdf (2747 kb) Consultation Response 11/07/2019
Horsham District Council.pdf (85 kb) Consultation Response 12/07/2019
Decisions and Reports
WSCC 041 19 Withdraw email.pdf (99 kb) Withdraw email 08/11/2019
Other Correspondence
extension to detemination date agreed.pdf (153 kb) Extension of Time 13/08/2019
extension to detemination date agreed 09 10 19.pdf (573 kb) Extension of Time 09/10/2019