Checkbox input: Select Transformer Building DR-0117.pdf for download.
Transformer Building DR-0117.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Topographical Survey DR-0102.pdf for download.
Topographical Survey DR-0102.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Storage and Recycling Area DR-0112.pdf for download.
Storage and Recycling Area DR-0112.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Site Long & Perimeter Sections DR-C-0705.pdf for download.
Site Long & Perimeter Sections DR-C-0705.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Site Location Plan DR-0103.pdf for download.
Site Location Plan DR-0103.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Roof Plan DR-0106.pdf for download.
Roof Plan DR-0106.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Proposed Site Plan DR-0100.pdf for download.
Proposed Site Plan DR-0100.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Proposed Sections A-A & B-B DR-0105.pdf for download.
Proposed Sections A-A & B-B DR-0105.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Proposed Elevations DR-0111.pdf for download.
Proposed Elevations DR-0111.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Office and Workshop Second Floor Plan DR-0109.pdf for download.
Office and Workshop Second Floor Plan DR-0109.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Office and Workshop Ground Floor Plan DR-0107.pdf for download.
Office and Workshop Ground Floor Plan DR-0107.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Office and Workshop First Floor Plan DR-0108.pdf for download.
Office and Workshop First Floor Plan DR-0108.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Illustrative Landscape Proposals DR-0118.pdf for download.
Illustrative Landscape Proposals DR-0118.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Illustartive Visual DR-0115.pdf for download.
Illustartive Visual DR-0115.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Ground Floor Plan DR-0104.pdf for download.
Ground Floor Plan DR-0104.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Gate House DR-0116.pdf for download.
Gate House DR-0116.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Finished Levels DR-C-0701.pdf for download.
Finished Levels DR-C-0701.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select External Lighting Levels DR-6302.pdf for download.
External Lighting Levels DR-6302.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Existing Aerial Site Plan DR-0101.pdf for download.
Existing Aerial Site Plan DR-0101.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Eathworks Analysis DR-C-0700.pdf for download.
Eathworks Analysis DR-C-0700.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Drainage Layout DR-D-0300.pdf for download.
Drainage Layout DR-D-0300.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Cycle Shelter, Sprinkler Tanks and Pump House DR-0114.pdf for download.
Cycle Shelter, Sprinkler Tanks and Pump House DR-0114.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Control Room DR-0110.pdf for download.
Control Room DR-0110.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Air Cooling Condenser Plan and Elevations DR-0113.pdf for download.
Air Cooling Condenser Plan and Elevations DR-0113.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Planning Supporting Statement.pdf for download.
Planning Supporting Statement.pdf (0 kb)
Supporting Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Volume 3 Contents.pdf for download.
Volume 3 Contents.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 9.2 Historic Building Record.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 9.2 Historic Building Record.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 9.1 Desk Based Heritage Assessment.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 9.1 Desk Based Heritage Assessment.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 8.5 Cumulative Road Traffice Noise Assessment.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 8.5 Cumulative Road Traffice Noise Assessment.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 8.4 Operational Road Traffic Noise Assessment.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 8.4 Operational Road Traffic Noise Assessment.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 8.3 Construction Road Traffice Noise Assessment.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 8.3 Construction Road Traffice Noise Assessment.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 8.2 Baseline Noise Monitoring Data.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 8.2 Baseline Noise Monitoring Data.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 8.1 Operational Noise Model Input Data.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 8.1 Operational Noise Model Input Data.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 7.5 Sensitive Receptor Results.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 7.5 Sensitive Receptor Results.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Volume 1 Contents and Glossary.pdf for download.
Volume 1 Contents and Glossary.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 1 Chpt 9 Archaeology Cultural Heritage.pdf for download.
Vol 1 Chpt 9 Archaeology Cultural Heritage.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 1 Chpt 8 Noise and Vibration.pdf for download.
Vol 1 Chpt 8 Noise and Vibration.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 1 Chpt 7 Air Quality and Odour.pdf for download.
Vol 1 Chpt 7 Air Quality and Odour.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 1 Chpt 6 Traffic and Transport.pdf for download.
Vol 1 Chpt 6 Traffic and Transport.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 1 Chpt 5 Landscape and Visual Resources.pdf for download.
Vol 1 Chpt 5 Landscape and Visual Resources.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 1 Chpt 4 EIA Methodology.pdf for download.
Vol 1 Chpt 4 EIA Methodology.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 1 Chpt 3 Need and Alternatives Considered.pdf for download.
Vol 1 Chpt 3 Need and Alternatives Considered.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 1 Chpt 2 Site Description and Proposed Development.pdf for download.
Vol 1 Chpt 2 Site Description and Proposed Development.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 1 Chpt 14 Summary of Mitigation and Monitoring.pdf for download.
Vol 1 Chpt 14 Summary of Mitigation and Monitoring.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 1 Chpt 13 Population and Health.pdf for download.
Vol 1 Chpt 13 Population and Health.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 1 Chpt 12 Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf for download.
Vol 1 Chpt 12 Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 1 Chpt 11 Hydrogeology and Ground Conditions.pdf for download.
Vol 1 Chpt 11 Hydrogeology and Ground Conditions.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 1 Chpt 10 Hydrology and Flood Risk.pdf for download.
Vol 1 Chpt 10 Hydrology and Flood Risk.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 1 Chpt 1 Introduction.pdf for download.
Vol 1 Chpt 1 Introduction.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Design and Access Statement.pdf for download.
Design and Access Statement.pdf (0 kb)
Design & Access Statement
Checkbox input: Select Covering Letter to WSCC.pdf for download.
Covering Letter to WSCC.pdf (0 kb)
Covering Letter
Checkbox input: Select Application Form.pdf for download.
Application Form.pdf (0 kb)
Application Form
Checkbox input: Select 3Rs ES Non-Technical Summary.pdf for download.
3Rs ES Non-Technical Summary.pdf (0 kb)
Supporting Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Visualisations.pdf for download.
Visualisations.pdf (0 kb)
Plans or Drawings
Checkbox input: Select Site Location Plan DR-0103 Rev 03.pdf for download.
Site Location Plan DR-0103 Rev 03.pdf (0 kb)
Supporting Docs
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 13.1 Community Profile.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 13.1 Community Profile.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 7.1 Wind Roses.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 7.1 Wind Roses.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select 3Rs ES Non-Technical Summary v2.pdf for download.
3Rs ES Non-Technical Summary v2.pdf (0 kb)
Supporting Docs
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 7.4 Assessment of Baseline Air Quality Conditions.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 7.4 Assessment of Baseline Air Quality Conditions.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 7.3 Odour Assessment Methodology.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 7.3 Odour Assessment Methodology.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 7.2 Stack Height Determination.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 7.2 Stack Height Determination.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 7.1 Detailed Construction Dust Methodology.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 7.1 Detailed Construction Dust Methodology.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 6.1 Transport Scoping.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 6.1 Transport Scoping.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 5.1 Visible Plume Methodology.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 5.1 Visible Plume Methodology.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 4.4 Cumulative Developments.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 4.4 Cumulative Developments.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 4.3 Statement of Community Involvement.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 4.3 Statement of Community Involvement.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 4.2 Formal Scoping Opinion.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 4.2 Formal Scoping Opinion.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 4.1 Formal Scoping Request.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 4.1 Formal Scoping Request.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 3.1 Alternative Technology Assessment.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 3.1 Alternative Technology Assessment.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 2.3 Carbon Assessment.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 2.3 Carbon Assessment.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 2.2 Lighting Strategy.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 2.2 Lighting Strategy.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 2.1 Building Plans and Elevations.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 2.1 Building Plans and Elevations.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 12.4 Briggs et al. 2014 Great Crested Newt Report.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 12.4 Briggs et al. 2014 Great Crested Newt Report.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 12.3 Wealdon eDNA Results.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 12.3 Wealdon eDNA Results.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 12.2 Ecology Survey Report.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 12.2 Ecology Survey Report.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 12.1 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 12.1 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 11.2 Geology and Hydrogeology Scoping Correspondence.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 11.2 Geology and Hydrogeology Scoping Correspondence.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 11.1 Ground Conditions Desk Study.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 11.1 Ground Conditions Desk Study.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 10.4 Drainage Strategy.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 10.4 Drainage Strategy.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 10.3 WFD Classification.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 10.3 WFD Classification.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 10.2 Flood Risk Assessment.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 10.2 Flood Risk Assessment.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 10.1 SuDS Guidance.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 10.1 SuDS Guidance.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 3 Appx 1.1 Information Required within an ES.pdf for download.
Vol 3 Appx 1.1 Information Required within an ES.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Volume 2 Contents.pdf for download.
Volume 2 Contents.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 9.7 Heritage Viewpoints Existing and Proposed Views.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 9.7 Heritage Viewpoints Existing and Proposed Views.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 9.6 Heritage Viewpoints.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 9.6 Heritage Viewpoints.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 9.5 Historic Landscape Characterisation.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 9.5 Historic Landscape Characterisation.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 9.4 Designated Heritage Assets 3 to 5km.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 9.4 Designated Heritage Assets 3 to 5km.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 9.3 Designated Heritage Assets 1.5 to 3km.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 9.3 Designated Heritage Assets 1.5 to 3km.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 9.2 Designated Heritage Assets within 1km.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 9.2 Designated Heritage Assets within 1km.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 9.1 Heritage Assets.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 9.1 Heritage Assets.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 8.6 Night-time (2300-0700) Noise Conotur at 4m.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 8.6 Night-time (2300-0700) Noise Conotur at 4m.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 8.5 Evening (1900-2300) Noise Contour at 1.5m.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 8.5 Evening (1900-2300) Noise Contour at 1.5m.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 8.4 Daytime (0700-1900) Noise Contour at 1.5m.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 8.4 Daytime (0700-1900) Noise Contour at 1.5m.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 8.3 Baseline Survey Locations.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 8.3 Baseline Survey Locations.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 8.2 Operational Noise Model Plant Layout.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 8.2 Operational Noise Model Plant Layout.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 8.1 Noise Sensitive Receptors.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 8.1 Noise Sensitive Receptors.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 7.4 Annual Mean NO2 Process Contributions.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 7.4 Annual Mean NO2 Process Contributions.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 7.3 Hourly Mean NO2 Process Contributions.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 7.3 Hourly Mean NO2 Process Contributions.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 7.2 Site Location and Receptors Modelled.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 7.2 Site Location and Receptors Modelled.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 6.1 Heavy Goods Vehicle Routes.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 6.1 Heavy Goods Vehicle Routes.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 5.9 to 5.37 Photomontages.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 5.9 to 5.37 Photomontages.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 5.8 Viewpoint Location Plan.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 5.8 Viewpoint Location Plan.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 5.7 Zone of Theoretical Visibility.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 5.7 Zone of Theoretical Visibility.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 5.6 Landscape Capacity of Local Character Areas.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 5.6 Landscape Capacity of Local Character Areas.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 5.5 Landscape Designations.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 5.5 Landscape Designations.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 5.4 District Landscape Character.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 5.4 District Landscape Character.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 5.39 Tranquillity Map and Flight Paths.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 5.39 Tranquillity Map and Flight Paths.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 5.38 Illustrative Landscape Proposals.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 5.38 Illustrative Landscape Proposals.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 5.3 West Sussex and Surrey Landscape Character Areas.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 5.3 West Sussex and Surrey Landscape Character Areas.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 5.2 National Character Areas.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 5.2 National Character Areas.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 5.1 Landscape Site Context Plan.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 5.1 Landscape Site Context Plan.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 3.1 Alternative Design Options.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 3.1 Alternative Design Options.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 2.2 Areas Plan.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 2.2 Areas Plan.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 2.1 Proposed Site Plan.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 2.1 Proposed Site Plan.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 12.4 Ecological Enhancements.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 12.4 Ecological Enhancements.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 12.3 GCN Survey Results.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 12.3 GCN Survey Results.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 12.2 Ponds Surveyed for GCN.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 12.2 Ponds Surveyed for GCN.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 12.1 Ecological Designated Sites.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 12.1 Ecological Designated Sites.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 10.1 Hydrology Study Area.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 10.1 Hydrology Study Area.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 1.2 Existing Site Plan.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 1.2 Existing Site Plan.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select Vol 2 Fig 1.1 Site Location Plan.pdf for download.
Vol 2 Fig 1.1 Site Location Plan.pdf (0 kb)
Environmental Statement Document
Checkbox input: Select 01 APPEAL FORM - 392507.pdf for download.
01 APPEAL FORM - 392507.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Draft Bespoke Programme.pdf for download.
Draft Bespoke Programme.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select WSCC 015 18 NH All on-line resps with comments.pdf for download.
WSCC 015 18 NH All on-line resps with comments.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select WSCC 015 18 NH All email and letter reps.pdf for download.
WSCC 015 18 NH All email and letter reps.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select WSCC 015 18 NH - Proposed Conditions & Informatives.pdf for download.
WSCC 015 18 NH - Proposed Conditions & Informatives.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Transcript Planning Committee 19.06.18 EfW application.pdf for download.
Transcript Planning Committee 19.06.18 EfW application.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Petition 2.pdf for download.
Petition 2.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Petition 1.pdf for download.
Petition 1.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select OXF9198_Wealden ERF Statement of Case_FINAL_18.12.18 fv.pdf for download.
OXF9198_Wealden ERF Statement of Case_FINAL_18.12.18 fv.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select OXF9198 R 181220 RM Draft SoCG dv WSCC update 3Jan19 rm comments.docx for download.
OXF9198 R 181220 RM Draft SoCG dv WSCC update 3Jan19 rm comments.docx (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Appendix 1 - Documents Relied Upon_FINAL_18.12.2018.pdf for download.
Appendix 1 - Documents Relied Upon_FINAL_18.12.2018.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Appellant Lett to WSCC Aug18.pdf for download.
Appellant Lett to WSCC Aug18.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BP Confirmation to LPA - Jane Moseley - 11 Feb 2019.pdf for download.
BP Confirmation to LPA - Jane Moseley - 11 Feb 2019.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select email to PINS in relation to Appeal 6.2.19.pdf for download.
email to PINS in relation to Appeal 6.2.19.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select email to interested parties in relation to Appeal 6.2.19.pdf for download.
email to interested parties in relation to Appeal 6.2.19.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select LPA_Start_-_Request_BP_-_Jane_Moseley_-_14_Jan_2019.pdf for download.
LPA_Start_-_Request_BP_-_Jane_Moseley_-_14_Jan_2019.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Letter to interested parties informing of Appeal 18Jan19.pdf for download.
Letter to interested parties informing of Appeal 18Jan19.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select WSCC-Appellant clarify various Sept18.pdf for download.
WSCC-Appellant clarify various Sept18.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select WSCC Planning Committee Minutes 19Jun18.pdf for download.
WSCC Planning Committee Minutes 19Jun18.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select WSCC (LPA) Statement of Case Wealden EfW ref 3218965 final(1).pdf for download.
WSCC (LPA) Statement of Case Wealden EfW ref 3218965 final(1).pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Bespoke Programme 26Feb19.pdf for download.
Bespoke Programme 26Feb19.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select WSCC (LPA) Statement of Case Wealden EfW ref 3218965 final.pdf for download.
WSCC (LPA) Statement of Case Wealden EfW ref 3218965 final.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Third Party Reps Sent to PINS - part 2b_Redacted.pdf for download.
Third Party Reps Sent to PINS - part 2b_Redacted.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Third Party Reps Sent to PINS - part 2a_Redacted.pdf for download.
Third Party Reps Sent to PINS - part 2a_Redacted.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Third Party Reps Sent to PINS - part 1.pdf for download.
Third Party Reps Sent to PINS - part 1.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Bespoke Programme 23May19.pdf for download.
Bespoke Programme 23May19.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select PINS Pre-Inquiry Meeting Notes 6Jun19.pdf for download.
PINS Pre-Inquiry Meeting Notes 6Jun19.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Bespoke Programme 9July19.pdf for download.
Bespoke Programme 9July19.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select PINS to appellant 11.7 - EIA.pdf for download.
PINS to appellant 11.7 - EIA.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select NI4H (Rule 6 Party) Statement of Case Wealden EfW ref 3218965 - Final Draft.pdf for download.
NI4H (Rule 6 Party) Statement of Case Wealden EfW ref 3218965 - Final Draft.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Wealden EfW Appeal ref. 3218965 - SoCG - Appellant - LPA Final 13Sep19.pdf for download.
Wealden EfW Appeal ref. 3218965 - SoCG - Appellant - LPA Final 13Sep19.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select 311 - Covering letter for Site Notice - to LPA - Jane Moseley - 23 Sep 2019.pdf for download.
311 - Covering letter for Site Notice - to LPA - Jane Moseley - 23 Sep 2019.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Site Notice - Planning appeals - - 23 Sep 2019.pdf for download.
Site Notice - Planning appeals - - 23 Sep 2019.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Additional Comments Mr Ian McLaren.pdf for download.
Additional Comments Mr Ian McLaren.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select WSCC Planning - Proof of Evidence.pdf for download.
WSCC Planning - Proof of Evidence.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC_David Coomes, Landscape and Visual - Proof of Evidence.pdf for download.
DC_David Coomes, Landscape and Visual - Proof of Evidence.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC_Appendix 1 - Mark Ups of Verified Views.pdf for download.
DC_Appendix 1 - Mark Ups of Verified Views.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC_Appendix 2 - LCA Guidelines.pdf for download.
DC_Appendix 2 - LCA Guidelines.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC_Appendix 3 - LCA Plans.pdf for download.
DC_Appendix 3 - LCA Plans.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC_Appendix 4 - Topography.pdf for download.
DC_Appendix 4 - Topography.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC_Appendix 5 - Landscape Receptors Table.pdf for download.
DC_Appendix 5 - Landscape Receptors Table.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC_Appendix 6 - North of Horsham Plan.pdf for download.
DC_Appendix 6 - North of Horsham Plan.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC_Appendix 7 - Receptor Diagrams.pdf for download.
DC_Appendix 7 - Receptor Diagrams.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC_Appendix 8 - Visual Receptors Table.pdf for download.
DC_Appendix 8 - Visual Receptors Table.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC_Appendix 9 - Photographs.pdf for download.
DC_Appendix 9 - Photographs.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC_Appendix 10 - VP and Photo Locations.pdf for download.
DC_Appendix 10 - VP and Photo Locations.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC_Appendix 11 - Stack Heights.pdf for download.
DC_Appendix 11 - Stack Heights.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC_Appendix 12 - Residential Receptor Locations.pdf for download.
DC_Appendix 12 - Residential Receptor Locations.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC_Appendix 13 - Night Time Verified Views.pdf for download.
DC_Appendix 13 - Night Time Verified Views.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC_Appendix 14 - verified view methodology.pdf for download.
DC_Appendix 14 - verified view methodology.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BCR_2.1 Summary Proof of Evidence Landscape and Visual Resources.pdf for download.
BCR_2.1 Summary Proof of Evidence Landscape and Visual Resources.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BCR_2.2 Proof of Evidence Landscape and Visual Resources.pdf for download.
BCR_2.2 Proof of Evidence Landscape and Visual Resources.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BCR_2.3 Landscape and visual resources appendices.pdf for download.
BCR_2.3 Landscape and visual resources appendices.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BCR_2.4 Landscape and Visual Resources Figures.pdf for download.
BCR_2.4 Landscape and Visual Resources Figures.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BCR_CLC Proof of Evidence - Appendices.pdf for download.
BCR_CLC Proof of Evidence - Appendices.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BCR_CLC Proof of Evidence - Summary.pdf for download.
BCR_CLC Proof of Evidence - Summary.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BCR_CLC Proof of Evidence.pdf for download.
BCR_CLC Proof of Evidence.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BCR_Health Proof of Evidence - Andrew Buroni 270919.pdf for download.
BCR_Health Proof of Evidence - Andrew Buroni 270919.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Ni4H_A9 Excerpts from 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.pdf for download.
Ni4H_A9 Excerpts from 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Ni4H_A10 A Changing Climate for Energy from Waste (2006).pdf for download.
Ni4H_A10 A Changing Climate for Energy from Waste (2006).pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Ni4H_A11 Excerpts from Assessment of the options to improve the management of bio-waste in the EU (2010).pdf for download.
Ni4H_A11 Excerpts from Assessment of the options to improve the management of bio-waste in the EU (2010).pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Ni4H_A12 Excerpts from Biogenic Carbon and Temporary Storage Addressed with Dynamic Life Cycle Assessment (2012).pdf for download.
Ni4H_A12 Excerpts from Biogenic Carbon and Temporary Storage Addressed with Dynamic Life Cycle Assessment (2012).pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Ni4H_Appendices Volume 2 A5_A8 Maureen Darrie 191001.pdf for download.
Ni4H_Appendices Volume 2 A5_A8 Maureen Darrie 191001.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Ni4H_Appendices Volume 4 B_E Maureen Darrie 191001.pdf for download.
Ni4H_Appendices Volume 4 B_E Maureen Darrie 191001.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Ni4H_Proof of Evidence Maureen Darrie 191001.pdf for download.
Ni4H_Proof of Evidence Maureen Darrie 191001.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Ni4H_Summary Proof of Evidence Maureen Darrie 191001.pdf for download.
Ni4H_Summary Proof of Evidence Maureen Darrie 191001.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Appendices to Proof of Evidence on Maureen Darrie 191001.pdf for download.
Appendices to Proof of Evidence on Maureen Darrie 191001.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC - Amended Appendix 8 - Visual Receptors Table rev ).pdf for download.
DC - Amended Appendix 8 - Visual Receptors Table rev ).pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select DC David Coomes - Rebuttal Proof.pdf for download.
DC David Coomes - Rebuttal Proof.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BRC CLC Rebuttal Proof Summary.pdf for download.
BRC CLC Rebuttal Proof Summary.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BRC CLC Rebuttal Proof.pdf for download.
BRC CLC Rebuttal Proof.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BCR 2.6 Rebuttal Proof of Evidence Landscape and Visual Resources VF.pdf for download.
BCR 2.6 Rebuttal Proof of Evidence Landscape and Visual Resources VF.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BCR 2.8 Figures for Landscape and Visual Resources Rebuttal Proof of Evidence VFr.pdf for download.
BCR 2.8 Figures for Landscape and Visual Resources Rebuttal Proof of Evidence VFr.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BRC 2.7 Appendices to Landscape and Visual Rebuttal Proof of Evidence.pdf for download.
BRC 2.7 Appendices to Landscape and Visual Rebuttal Proof of Evidence.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BCR 2.5 Summary of Rebuttal Proof of Evidence Landscape and Visual Resources VF.pdf for download.
BCR 2.5 Summary of Rebuttal Proof of Evidence Landscape and Visual Resources VF.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select CD 178 Our Waste Our Resources - A Strategy for England - Dec 2018.pdf for download.
CD 178 Our Waste Our Resources - A Strategy for England - Dec 2018.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select CD 179 -North of Horsham Appendix 11 5 – Location of Visual Assessment Photographs.pdf for download.
CD 179 -North of Horsham Appendix 11 5 – Location of Visual Assessment Photographs.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select CD 180 - North of Horsham Appendix 11 6 – Location of Visual Assessment Photographs.pdf for download.
CD 180 - North of Horsham Appendix 11 6 – Location of Visual Assessment Photographs.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select CD 177 Bilsthorpe Appeal 3001886.pdf for download.
CD 177 Bilsthorpe Appeal 3001886.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select CD 0000 - Wealden 3Rs Core Docs list v5 24Oct19.pdf for download.
CD 0000 - Wealden 3Rs Core Docs list v5 24Oct19.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select PINS Inquiry Programme draft v1.pdf for download.
PINS Inquiry Programme draft v1.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BCR 2.4 Figure 29B Significance of operational daytime visual effects EDCO.pdf for download.
BCR 2.4 Figure 29B Significance of operational daytime visual effects EDCO.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BCR 2.4 Figure 29A Significance of operational daytime visual effects RPS.pdf for download.
BCR 2.4 Figure 29A Significance of operational daytime visual effects RPS.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select BRC 2.7A Appendices 4 and 5 to Landscape and Visual Rebuttal Proof of Evidence.pdf for download.
BRC 2.7A Appendices 4 and 5 to Landscape and Visual Rebuttal Proof of Evidence.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select CD 165 SoCG Appellant -LPA FINAL 28Oct19.pdf for download.
CD 165 SoCG Appellant -LPA FINAL 28Oct19.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select CD 0000 Wealden 3Rs Core Docs List v6 28Oct19.pdf for download.
CD 0000 Wealden 3Rs Core Docs List v6 28Oct19.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Updated programme 4Nov19.pdf for download.
Updated programme 4Nov19.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select PINS - Secretary of State Correspondence - Not to be recovered 24 02 20.pdf for download.
PINS - Secretary of State Correspondence - Not to be recovered 24 02 20.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Documentation
Checkbox input: Select Appeal Decision - 27 Feb 2020.pdf for download.
Appeal Decision - 27 Feb 2020.pdf (0 kb)
Appeal Decision
Checkbox input: Select Condition 10 Community Liaison Group.pdf for download.
Condition 10 Community Liaison Group.pdf (0 kb)
Conditional Scheme - Approved
Checkbox input: Select Condition 6 Bird Hazard Management Plan.pdf for download.
Condition 6 Bird Hazard Management Plan.pdf (0 kb)
Conditional Scheme - Approved
Checkbox input: Select Condition 13 - WSI (updated Nov 21).pdf for download.
Condition 13 - WSI (updated Nov 21).pdf (0 kb)
Conditional Scheme - Approved
Checkbox input: Select Condition 26 - Travel Plan Statement.pdf for download.
Condition 26 - Travel Plan Statement.pdf (0 kb)
Conditional Scheme - Approved
Checkbox input: Select Condition 3 - GCN Protection Scheme.pdf for download.
Condition 3 - GCN Protection Scheme.pdf (0 kb)
Conditional Scheme - Approved
Checkbox input: Select Condition 4 - Materials and Finishes.pdf for download.
Condition 4 - Materials and Finishes.pdf (0 kb)
Conditional Scheme - Approved
Checkbox input: Select Condition 5 - Landscaping and Ecology.pdf for download.
Condition 5 - Landscaping and Ecology.pdf (0 kb)
Conditional Scheme - Approved
Checkbox input: Select Condition 24 - R1 Status (Stage 1).pdf for download.
Condition 24 - R1 Status (Stage 1).pdf (0 kb)
Conditional Scheme - Approved
Checkbox input: Select Condition 28 - Drainage.pdf for download.
Condition 28 - Drainage.pdf (0 kb)
Conditional Scheme - Approved
Checkbox input: Select Condition 7 - Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf for download.
Condition 7 - Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf (0 kb)
Conditional Scheme - Approved