Planning Application WSCC/004/24

New Search — The consultation period for this application has now closed

  • Application Number
  • Status
    Application Approved
  • Location
    North Heath Community Primary School Erica Way, Horsham, RH12 5XL
  • Proposal
    Installation of hardstanding and associated fencing and play equipment.
  • Date Valid
  • Deadline for Comments
  • Determination Date
  • Decision Date
  • Decision
    Granted with Conditions
  • Applicant's Name
    WSCC Assistant Director of Property & Assets
  • Agent's Name
    North Heath Community Primary School
  • District
  • Parish
    North Horsham
  • County Councillor
    Andrew Baldwin, Holbrook
  • Case Officer
    Edward Anderson

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Application Documents
Needs Statement.pdf (83 kb) Supporting Statement 26/01/2024
Planning Statement.pdf (71 kb) Planning Statement 26/01/2024
SX153192 - Official Copy (Register) - North Heath Primary School.pdf (84 kb) Official Copy (register) 26/01/2024
SX153192- Official Copy (Title Plan) - North Heath Primary School.pdf (350 kb) Official Copy (title Plan) 26/01/2024
WSX339785 - Official Copy (Register) - North Heath Primary School.pdf (85 kb) Official Copy (register) 26/01/2024
WSX339785 - Official Copy (Title Plan) - North Heath Primary School.pdf (174 kb) Official Copy (title Plan) 26/01/2024
ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf (677 kb) Application Form 26/01/2024
Design and Access Statement.pdf (70 kb) Design & Access Statement 26/01/2024
Foul and Surface Water Drainage Assessment.pdf (56 kb) Drainage Report 26/01/2024
Approved Documents
Proposed Elevation Plans - Play Equipment.pdf (499 kb) Elevations 26/01/2024
Site Block Plan.pdf (436 kb) Block Plan 26/01/2024
Layout Plan.pdf (405 kb) Layout Plan 26/01/2024
LocationPlan.pdf (1314 kb) Location Plan 26/01/2024
Hardstanding Technical Drawings.pdf (1170 kb) Layout Plans 26/01/2024
Construction Management Plan.pdf (291 kb) Construction Management Plan 18/03/2024
Consultation Response
County Cllr Andrew Baldwin.pdf (152 kb) Consultation Response 31/01/2024
WSCC Highways.pdf (48 kb) Consultation Response 06/02/2024
Horsham District Council.pdf (73 kb) Consultation Response 19/03/2024
WSCC Highways2.pdf (187 kb) Consultation Response 20/03/2024
Decisions and Reports
DECISION NOTICE_WSCC-004-24.docx (126 kb) Decision Notice 22/03/2024
WSCC 004 24 Case Officer's Report (Delegated Decision) Signed.pdf (282 kb) Case Officer's Report of Recommended Action 22/03/2024
Other Correspondence
Extension of Time 11-04-24.pdf (344 kb) Extension Of Time 18/03/2024
Public Comments
Gareth Comment 16-02-2024.pdf (69 kb) Comment Gareth 16/02/2024 16/02/2024